Why do you think those DNA "find out where you're from" tests are so popular right now?

Let me ask you this...why do you think those DNA "find out where you're from" tests are so popular right now?

For the most part, it's super exciting to learn about your heritage...to think about past relatives, the what if's, the twists and turns that could have led you to where you are now.

But, I'm willing to bet, most people who do those tests don't get what they are really looking for...because what they are looking for isn't really DNA related...

they are trying to dig deeper, to discover something about themselves...and more importantly...to FIND THEMSELVES.

These DNA tests are fun and they can contain life-saving information...but then what?
Did you find the piece of the puzzle you were looking for?

How much farther do you think you would get, how much more successful do you think you'd be if you discovered even more intimate details about yourself? Strengths? Skills? Talents? Passions? And then learned how to use those strengths, skills, talents, and passions to build, build, build your success in every area of your life?

And even more importantly, how much farther along do you think you'd be if in knowing this information you finally stop hitting your head up against the wall? Because for the first time in your life you understand what being in the flow actually means...because you are living it...experiencing it.


How much more successful do you think you'd be in your relationships if you understood simple things like the fact that you FEEL the most LOVED when someone pays you a compliment or acknowledges an accomplishment...and that for you, receiving material gifts doesn't have much of an impact. Or what if you knew your partner FELT the MOST LOVED when they received materials gifts...but giving material gifts isn't something you even consider because it doesn't appeal to you personally...

How much could you solve just knowing that one tiny tidbit of information?

Interesting, right?

How much farther along do you think you'd be in your career if you'd learned 5 years ago that you actually SHINE THE BRIGHTEST being in the background...not center stage? And all this time you thought if you just made it into the foreground, into the spotlight, you'd finally succeed...but really the only way for your career to really EXPLODE is to accept that you truly and brilliantly excel as the support system.

Interesting, right?

How much farther along do you think you'd be if you had all of this information and so much more? It's amazing to consider, right?

It's all available to you...it's all right here...and we start June 1st.

Finally understand what's been standing in your way...and figure out how to walk around it.

We'll show you how...
